This subject gives a broad introduction to Australian history and culture that influenced and shaped contemporary Australian society.
Learning Outcomes
a) Understand the factors that have shaped / shaping Australian society
b) Demonstrate an understanding of key historical, social, cultural and environmental factors relating to the study of Australian society
c) Identify important aspects of the evolution of the Australian political system and the delivery of governance on a federal and state level
d) Demonstrate understanding and appreciation of Australia in its global and regional context, specifically concepts of geopolitics and cultural conflict
e) Understand key components of indigenous culture in Australia
f) Identify key changes in immigration policy that have influenced modern Australia
Learning outcomes for this subject are assessed using a range of assessment tasks as described in the table below.
No | Type | Weighting | Assessment due (week/s) | Subject learning outcomes to be assessed |
1 | Oral Presentation | 20.00% | Week 5 | a & b |
2 | Cultural Report | 40.00% | Week 8 | c, d, e & f |
3 | Reflective Report | 40.00% | Week 13 | a. b, & d |
Most assessment tasks are submitted using the Learning Management System, Moodle. For more instruction on submitting the assessment tasks, please refer to the instruction in Moodle for more specific information of the subject assessment submission requirements.
There are penalties for late submission of assessment tasks.
If you would like to request for an extension to submission deadline of your assessment or would like to request for a deferred assessment, you need to meet the eligibility requirements.
Broad topics to be covered
- Australian History
- Geography and Environment
- Aboriginal Studies
- Oral Presentations
- An overview of contemporary Australian society
- Issues facing Australians today
- Australia Today
- Australia in the future
Please note that these topics are often refined and subject to change so for up to date weekly topics and suggested reading resources, please refer to the Moodle subject page.