Kanda Phommasone
Diploma of Applied Business Management
Why did you choose Aspire?
I chose Aspire because of their internship program which is part of the curriculum. This allowed me to gain practical experience while studying.
How did you find your time living on campus?
I enjoyed living on campus because I could spend more time studying, while enjoying my free time with friends who also lived on campus.
What course are you studying at UTS and why did you choose this?
I chose to study Finance at UTS because I enjoy numbers and maths.
What was the highlight of your time at Aspire?
My industry training was the highlight of my time at Aspire because I got the chance to use and apply my knowledge and what I’ve learnt in class in a practical way.
How did you find your transition to UTS?
The transition was pretty smooth and easy. Most of the work to do with the transition was done by the Aspire team.
What is your dream job?
I aim to work for a big organisation while still running my own business. I would also like to use my skills in some way to uplift society.
Would you recommend Aspire?
Yes, I would. I have actually already recommended Aspire to my cousin and friends.